In partnership with three local civil society organizations (CSOs): the Foundation for Internet and Society “Metamorphosis”, the Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI), and the National Youth Council of Macedonia (NYCM), EWMI implemented the USAID Civic Engagement Project in North Macedonia. The Project was a five-year initiative that supports Macedonian civil society and youth organizations to engage with citizens, the private sector, government stakeholders, and institutions on issues of public interest. The project supported civil society organizations (CSO) and CSO alliances that focus on priority issues of concern to the people of North Macedonia; assisted CSOs to promote dialogue; organized a yearlong LEAD (Lead, Engage, Act, Develop) Program that equipped motivated young people with skills that enabled them to work within their communities. CEP also provided opportunities for young men and women to participate in public life and decision-making processes on issues that affected their lives, their communities, and Macedonian society as a whole.
USAID Civic Engagement Project in North Macedonia (CEP)