Economic Development

Economic Development is about government, the private sector and civil society working together to create equitable prosperity. EWMI supports this process by working with and through local institutions, building local capacity, and helping lay the legal, institutional and regulatory foundations of growth. Countries where the Rule of Law is strong, where communities begin to know and stand up for their rights will become more prosperous. Whether at the national or local level we believe that socially and environmentally sustainable economic growth is achieved alongside a strengthened rule of law. In training financial supervisory authorities and central bankers, in promoting land rights awareness, in strengthening rural producer groups we put this principle into practice. EWMI staff and consultants have worked on various types and stages of projects including design and implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation, company/employee surveys and innovative research.

Economic Development News

— Program Update
With support from USAID/CSSA, the Alexander Opiyo and his group members planted 10 acres of watermelon, which sold for over USD 8,000. — Impact Story
— Impact Story
— Impact Story
— Announcement
— Announcement
Residents of the Kazbegi region protest the construction of the Dariali HPP at the Ministry of Energy in Tbilisi.
Presentation to the CMT members on importance of the new electronic Content Management System
Millennium Bridge, Podgorica, Montenegro