
Programs In Kosovo

Under a subcontract with Checchi & Co Consulting, USAID's implementing partner for the Systems for Enforcing Agreements and Decisions (SEAD Program) in Kosovo, EWMI worked to develop and implement an effective system for alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in Kosovo that is consistent with international standards from 2009 to 2012.
From 2008 to 2010, EWMI worked with local partners, including the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, and the Ministry of Local Government Administration, to improve security in Kosovo at the municipal level by reactivating and strengthening the Municipal Councils on Safety in Communities (MCSCs).
Launched in June 2008 under a grant from the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Kosovo Constitutional Justice Initiative played an essential role in the development of the new Constitutional Court of Kosovo. At the beginning of the project, the Court existed only in the text of the Constitution; at its conclusion, the Court stood as the most respected and influential judicial institution in the country. This project was concluded in 2012.
In early 2007, with the support of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), EWMI established a Task Force comprised of leading civic leaders and policy analysts from Kosovo to assist the Kosovar administration and civil society prepare for upcoming challenges associated with the resolution of its status.
EWMI worked to improve relations between ethnic Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo through the implementation of an inter-ethnic Community Watch Project (CWP). The CWP was designed to build trust between Kosovo Serb and Albanian communities by providing mechanisms and resources for them to work together to improve life and security through more effective participation in municipal and central government decision-making processes.
In May 2006, EWMI launched the Negotiations Awareness Campaign (NAC), a project funded by both the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Balkan Trust for Democracy Fund that aimed to increase the transparency of the final status negotiations.
EWMI, with support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), conducted a needs assessment of the Kosovo Ministry of Local Government Administration (“MLGA” or “Ministry”) to identify activities that would strengthen its organizational capacity.
Under a subcontract to Norway Registry Development (NRD), EWMI designed and conducted a highly effective and wide-reaching training program to assist in the establishment and operationalization of Kosovo’s new, state-of-the-art Business Registry.
EWMI’s Kosovo NGO Advocacy Project (KNAP) was a USAID-funded cooperative agreement that has achieved its main goal of transforming Kosovar NGOs from service providers into issue-driven agents of change, successfully participating in the formation of policy at local and Kosovo-wide levels, holding lo
Shortly after the cessation of the NATO bombing campaign, in July 1999, EWMI established an office in Kosovo. With funding from the American Jewish World Service and the Joint Distribution Committee, EWMI provided assistance to Kosovo’s civil society, taking a “hands on” approach to assisting local NGOs and providing training to NGOs in the rural regions of Kosovo.
Shortly after the cessation of the NATO bombing campaign, in July 1999, EWMI established an office in Kosovo. With funding from the American Jewish World Service and the Joint Distribution Committee, EWMI provided assistance to Kosovo’s civil society, taking a “hands on” approach to assisting local NGOs and providing training to NGOs in the rural regions of Kosovo.
Ongoing EWMI takes pride in its commitment to its local partners, and established the Partner Legacy Support Program in 2013 as a mechanism to continue to fund its partners around the world. To date, EWMI has accepted donations from individuals, foundations, and donor advised funds for partners in Cambodia, Kosovo and Liberia that promote access to justice for the most vulnerable groups in various political, economic and cultural contexts.

News In Kosovo

EWMI is working with the Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) to support the Kosovo Oral History Initiative, a collective of women of different generations, nationalities and competences, whose mission is to record life stories.

Since opening its office in Kosovo in 1999, the East-West Management Institute (EWMI) has been at the forefront of Kosovo’s development by supporting Kosovo’s civil society, government and media through mentoring, training, grant-making and networking programs.