Cambodia’s Community Peace-Building Network (CPN) constructively addresses human rights issues by linking communities and dialoguing with government.
Cambodia’s Community Peace-Building Network (CPN) constructively addresses human rights issues by linking communities and dialoguing with government.
Cambodian CSOs opposed a draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO) that threatened multiple harms to their organizations.
Cambodian CSOs opposed a draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO) that threatened multiple harms to their organizations.
EWMI trained Ministry officials on new PRAJ2-supported systems developed in partnership with the MoJ: the Justice Statistics Database, Detention Database, and Trafficking Database.
EWMI trained Ministry officials on new PRAJ2-supported systems developed in partnership with the MoJ: the Justice Statistics Database, Detention Database, and Trafficking Database.
Mock Trial competitions were held as part of PRAJ 2's legal education program.
Mock Trial competitions were held as part of PRAJ 2's legal education program.
EWMI organized workshops to strengthen ADR skills.
EWMI organized workshops to strengthen ADR skills.
“People know their rights and are ready to claim them”