
Programs In Bosnia-Herzegovina

Access to justice, a central tenet of democratic governance, has become a salient marker of judicial operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina since EWMI began its Justice Sector Development Project II (JSDP II) in 2009.
The Justice Sector Development Project (JSDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was a 5-year project funded by USAID. JSDP’s overall goal was to improve the efficiency and fairness of the justice system in BiH by building the capacity and sustainability of two key local institutions, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) and the State Ministry of Justice (State MoJ), and improving court administration so as to develop a more just, effective and efficient system of justice.
EWMI’s USAID-funded Bosnia Legal and Regulatory Reform Project (LRRP) assisted the two entities that comprise Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina (Federation), and the Republika Srpska (RS), to establish a new legal and regulatory framework, rebuild institutions and commercial systems, create capital markets and implement accounting and auditing reforms.

News In Bosnia-Herzegovina

EWMI and its partner, Foundation Mediacentar Sarajevo, organized the first high school mock trial program in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In March 2010, EWMI received its Contractor Performance Review for the Bosnia Justice Sector Development Project (JSDP), which ended in May 2009. The evaluation rated EWMI’s performance as “outstanding,” giving EWMI a score of 5, the highest possible, in all categories.

On January 22, 2010, the Justice Sector Civil Society Network (JSCSN) in Bosnia held its inaugural meeting at the UNITIC Business Center in Sarajevo.

On September 10, 2009, EWMI and USAID formally launched the new Bosnia-Herzegovina Justice Sector Development Project II (JSDP II) at a ceremony at the Holiday Inn in Sarajevo.

On December 16, 2008, the renovated Srebrenica court building was formally opened to the public at a ceremony presided over by United States Ambassador to Bosnia-Herzegovina Charles English and Court President. Hajrudin Halilovic.

Ermin Sarajlija is leaving his position as a Supervising Staff Attorney in the Court Administration Reform component of JSDP, EWMI's USAID-funded Justice Sector Development Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to become the first Court Administrator of Municipal Court Sarajevo, a first instanc