
Programs In Uganda

USAID/Uganda CSSA is a five-year project that will support the capacity strengthening of Ugandan CSOs to influence and contribute to improved development outcomes in four thematic areas: (1) health, with particular attention paid to achieving Uganda’s HIV/AIDS’ reduction goals; (2) education, youth, and child development; (3) agriculture and food security; and (4) democracy, rights, and governance. During CCSA’s Inception Phase, EWMI will commission a political economy analysis focused on CSSA’s thematic areas, which will inform EWMI’s joint stakeholder engagement approach and the selection of the particular issues within each thematic area that CSSA support will focus on.

News In Uganda

The "Extractives for Community Development" project, implemented by MIRAC with funding from EWMI’s USAID-funded Civil Society Strengthening Activity (CSSA), has had a transformative impact on local businesses in Uganda's oil-rich Albertine region.

Shy smile, calm demeanor — Alexander Opiyo’s warm personality carefully masks the hurdles he has had to overcome to provide for himself and support his aging parents, especially for a young man barely in his twenties. 

In Uganda, most households depend on agriculture for food security, nutrition, and income. In many communities, these smallholder farmers are traditionally women.

The National Forum of People Living with HIV/AIDS Network in Uganda implements the Treatment Literacy Program to ensure that people living with HIV/AIDS know their status and regularly take their medications, allowing them to live healthier and happy lives.

"I know stigma like I know the back of my hand.”

“It’s still magic even if you know how it’s done”, Says Author Terry Pratchett.

“It’s not just a video of stories. It’s actually creating impact, and drawing the attention of donors”, says Peniel Rwendeire, the Executive Director of Network for Active Citizens (NAC), about the effect of the USAID/CSSA communications training on his organization.

Bill Gates once said the Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. Looking at the numbers, we can see that "tomorrow" has arrived. The internet is the town square for the global village today.

Infectious smile, powerful ambitious voice - Gloria Mercy Laker could pass for any regular university student. But behind that innocent, delightful look resides a deep story that no young woman chasing her dreams should ever have to go through.

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